Sunday, January 25, 2009

Carbon Footprint

I put off taking the test because I dreaded seeing the results. Not because I don't care but because I do. I care enough that I pay extra to the city of Roseville to have all my energy come from Green sources. I have also driven a Prius for the last 2 years. I have purchased energy efficient washer, dryer and refrigerator in the last 2 years as well. I try to remember to turn off lights when I leave a room and to turn off the water faucet when soaping and rinsing off the dishes and my hands. I am consistent with not turning on the heat and wearing many layers of clothing around the house to keep warm and not turning on the air conditioner in the summer to the point where some days it is cooler outside than in my house.
The number for me goes up because I am inconsistent with recycling, purchasing and I drive over 80 miles a day. I was a tad over the average in housing and services. As far as housing I know I use a lot of water especially in the summer because I have a pool. My yard is not large in front or back but I do have grass and vegetation that I water regularly. I have started to do No-Meat-Mondays and Fish Fridays. I occasionally do shop at Farmer's Markets and I do buy organic products. But again this is all not done on a inconsistent bases. I need to be more consistently conscious of the choices I'm making regularly.
If everyone keeps living at the rate that I am with the 6.03 earths, our world will be deleted in a very short period of time. I don't know how I feel about the question of fairness for people in the US to have such a large ecological footprint in comparison to others. It is sort of like asking...Is it fair that I don't have to worry about feeding my family or getting good medical care where other people in different countries do? It just all seems out of balance and unfair. I understand that people in the US can be overindulgent and some people take for granted all that we have at our fingertips. The good part about is that the US is making efforts to put money into green technologies that can help us save our planet.
Taking this test was good. I like to see where changes can be made even though it is just with me. At least if I start to make a change then the people in my family will be affected by it and it might help them to make a change. Can't wait gotta try!