Friday, April 3, 2009

Ray Darby- The Energy Guy

I was just thinking about solar electricity and if it was something that might be right for my house and then Ray came and talked about it. I didn't know that 50% of the cooling or heating in our houses goes out if you have forced air. Nor did I know that we lose 2/3rds of the electricity generated from power plants to our homes. I can see how transportation is a huge part of what we use energy on. It seems like everyone drives and hardly anyone walks anymore. I try and do all my errands in the same direction to help cut down on driving too much. I also have a hybrid which I feel good about driving. I think it is true how builder's don't care if your house is efficient but focuses mostly on how it looks with the design. I know in Roseville a few years back they built homes that had solar tiles on the roofs. I thought that was a good idea. I've seen solar panels on Stanford Ranch across from Costco at a car wash and on E Roseville Parkway the fire station has solar panels on it's roof. Ray suggested that we reevaluate the way we drive, the efficiency of our homes and how we use electricity. His solutions about eating locally and lower on the food chain was good too.

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